(Thanks again, Bigteddy, for letting us know about this!)
This year's no-episode-during-the-summer hiatus will be a little shorter! A couple of Season 4 episodes will be airing next week! LocateTV has the descriptions up:
Costume Boxing!
Molly performs in the quick-change dress-up match during Fashion Week in Bubbletucky and ends up on the cover of a fashion magazine.
The New Doghouse!
When an accident destroys Bubble Puppy's doghouse, the Guppies team up with the entire neighborhood to build Bubble Puppy's dream home.
http://www.locatetv.com/tv/bubble-guppies/9197201CB will definitely be the episode with RuPearl and also the episode with the "Dressing Up" pop song.
I'm getting some serious Extreme Makeover: Home Edition vibes from TND. 8D I wonder what the main topic will be. Community? Being a good neighbor? Teamwork? Repairing things?
So, uh, yeah. LET'S DISCUSS!