Guys I discovered a thing about the Molly's parents, when Molly catch the phone for call it was her dad, even she said "Hi dad" about Molly having a sister.
Guppy style videos on YouTube:
For who haven't seen yet.
Can't wait to see this new TV Show! I hope they'll put new images for this TV Show, I can't find anything! x__x
P.S. Do somebody know where can I watch Space Guppies and The New Year's Dragon?
Space Guppies:
The New Year's Dragon:
Idk, sorry cuz my program for unblock the site doesn't working for me anymore.
Unfortunately, yes
Now I'm waiting to see the episode about the Sheep Dog.
SPOILER (For those who haven't seen it yet):
It was also nice to see the Bubble Guppies when they were babies. I mentioned wanting to see that in this post: Too bad we didn't get to see Molly's parents. Parts of me have a feeling we'll never see the Bubble Guppies parents but other parts of me think we might.
I haven't seen this episode yet, and I saw the picture when the guppies were babies. Where you did watched the Bubble Baby full episode?
So Molly has a sister! That works out! What I mean by that is Molly has a sibling I think is the right gender for her! And it goes in line with my idea! I don't know how else to say it, at a loss for words.
I was hoping to wait until I watched the episode myself to find out for sure but that's okay.
Thanks much.
You're welcome
Likely she'll have a little sister and that would probably be better for her. Then again she may have a brother but I think in my opinion a sister would be better for Molly. One reason I say this is because of a fanfic I read about Molly having a sister but I cannot remember which fanfic it was.
I wonder if the other 5 guppies have brothers or sisters too. I'd like for Gil and Nonny to have brothers if they were to have siblings. I'm not sure if they should be older or younger than Gil and Nonny, although I think I'm more in love with the idea of Nonny having an older brother than a younger, provided he's not a bully. Gil I cannot decide what I'd like, maybe he's better as an only-child.
What about Goby? Maybe have him be a middle child and give him an older brother and a younger sister like Gerald from Hey Arnold,, or like Carver from the Weekenders, having an older sister and a younger brother? Otherwise I'm satisfied with him just being an only-child too.
I'm not sure about Deema and Oona right now, and I'm satisfied with them being only-child's too. Well, maybe Deema should have a younger brother, otherwise I don't know.
I'd like to hear your ideas if any of you have any.
Molly will get a new sister or brother, idk, we'll discovery on the future, or maybe she'll get sister. :s
I like the Molly's sister name. I hope I see Molly's mom in this episode for sure.
OMG!!! that's awesome, Btw the baby looks like Molly xDD
That's true, I think same that her sibling looks like Molly
RaryPieSweet wrote: Molly's mom on the fridge:
You remembered this again, I was listening the In The Kitchen song for the first time, and I stay so impressed about this Molly's mom.
Molly's mom on the fridge:
You're welcome
P.S. Do somebody know where can I watch Space Guppies and The New Year's Dragon?
Link on Description in my YouTube's videos on:
Space Guppies:
The New Year's Dragon:
Only 10 episodes from Bubble Guppies maybe? Noooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
R.I.P Bubble Guppies :'( best nostalgic show ever!
That's cool.
Not very much, but my brother likes to watch it on occasions. It's okay, but not something I connect with, mainly because it's a bit too feminine to me, and it's only been out for a few months, so I can't have a formed opinion, including that and I've only seen a few episodes. I think they show has a lot of potential, and the design is adorable, but other than that I have nothing to say about it. So no, I don't have an emotional connection with it.
It's okay, iryo, Shimmer and Shine is my favorite show, I know that you watch Mutt & Stuff, but idk where I watch, maybe on YouTube or Kiss Cartoon.