I didn't reopen this thread and left that note just to make clear of my superiority; in fact, your action, whether it was that semi-surprising mature response or another foulmouthed comment - responding to it fulfills my message's intended purpose. In a sense, that message was a small little reminder of how,...well, you were wrong.
Despite the source topic's "recommended age range," I have a passion for the series, and, frankly, your opinions to my passion for the series aren't of my concern, and will always be disagreeable. I know I'm doing nothing wrong with it, and, personally, I believe that's not a valid argument of yours. (looks like you're not the mature one, here; not respecting this fandom.)
On the other hand, you immaturely vandalize pages simply out of boredom/spite, start shit with people you don't even know, to begin with, then start shit again years later; to add insult to injury, you draft this great spiel on how I'm wrong for defending my passion.
You think that you can do some morally-wrong garbage, then can call my defense out as something wrong? I'm sorry, but there is so much garbage swelled up in your logic; defending something I know is of your wrong-doing and calling you out on it doesn't equate to me being a whiny little shrimp.
Look at you: if you think me going absolutely batshit with The Backyardigans is a waste of my life, you literally commit morally-wrong actions out of boredom. Hell, you're responsible under the accounts of "harrassing other users," and you take leissure out of it (what's worse, it's for a mindless reason like "passing time 'cuz ur bor'd) It absolutely baffles me how you have the audacity to call me out for defending this hard work.
I'm sorry that my one-sentence comment on how people, like you, failed to mature, warranted your belief that I perfectly represent the Napolean complex, but I disagree with your message. Nothing in my message says anything about your demise, or defeat, or the like, so why that'd be any worth mentioning (possibly 'cause you think that my "whiny superiority complex" is shitting his pants at how we defeated the big bad Sheehans?) is beyond me. I know that leaving that note is anything far from stooping to your level, so you can zip your shit about that complex, or my "ego" I didn't even display prominently.
Also, note that giving a reply to an eyesore whose points I disagree with doesn't equate to me begging for the last word.
Wowzers! You're finally gonna stop the shit you shouldn't have started in the first place! Hoo-fucking-ray. I don't block you off because I'll feel like an impenetrable wall; I do it because it's the fucking rules.
"Consequence" clearly isn't your vocabulary if you think we won't block your vandalism-repetitive ass. I know that vandalizing any of these articles that people worked ever-so-hard to write it off your list, and, hey, I'm happy you're finally dropping shit (just as happy as three years ago, smh) but just know that me banning you off isn't a sign of my superiority.
Regardless of anybody else who reads this spiel, I'll leave your account untouched here for 24 hours, in case there're more invalid arguments you'd like to spill. You can go now, or you can continue spilling your irrelevant beliefs on how I'm wrong for having a passion for The Backyardigans. You'll be in the wrong, either way.