Bubble Guppies Wiki
  • This episode aired on Veterans Day 2021.
  • This is the second and last Thanksgiving related episode, the first being Gobble Gobble Guppies! in November 2014.
  • This is the first episode since Good Hair Day! where Brianna Gentilella provides Molly's speaking voice along with singing like in seasons 1 and 2.
  • This is the first and only Thanksgiving special to feature Zooli.
  • This is the first episode where Molly shakes Goby's hand.
  • The three guardians of Tall Tale Forest are based on American folklore characters, such as Johnny Appleseed.
  • This episode aired on the same day that Sesame Street's 52nd season premiered on HBO Max.
  • This episode aired on Blue's Clues & You's 2nd Anniversary.
  • This episode aired 2 Weeks before Thanksgiving.
  • This episode featured the Guest Voice of Brad Garrett from the Disney films The Pacifier and Ratatouille.
  • This episode was shown on Nick Jr in the UK on Saturday 23rd April 2022
  • This is the 3rd episode of Season 6 in production code order.
  • Daisy looks like a young Benny the Bull from Dora the Explorer.
  • Ending Quote: "My Baby Boo Daisy" (Tall Punyan).