Bubble Guppies Wiki


Goby: I like to help set the own table!

Nonny: We have a table in our kitchen. It's where we eat cereal, like oatmeal.

Mr. Grouper: Kitchens are great, and they're full of neat stuff!

Deema: On this table, we'd like some cereal with milk!

(Deema pours cereal and milk all over the table.)

Nonny: Uh... I think you forgot something.

(Crowd gasps)

Crab: The kid's right! Ya can't eat cereal without a spoon!

Oona: I got a cheese sandwich with orange juice and lots of carrots for lunch, especially chicken pot pie! What did you get, Gil?

Gil: I got apple juice and chicken pot pie! What did you get, Nonny?

Nonny: I got a... Kitchen on pot pie!

Deema: Whatcha' makin, dudes?

Nonny: We're following a recipe.

Deema: What's a recipe?

Nonny: A recipe is the directions for how to make food.

Goby: What's next, Chef Nonny?

Nonny: It says to roll the dough.

Goby: Got it!

Goby [Chanting]: Roll the dough, yeah, to roll the dough you!

[With Deema]: Come on, everybody now let's roll the dough!

Goby and Deema: (both laughing)

Goby: The Kitchen Witch!

Oona: Please don't eat us!

Chicken: (squawks)

Kitchen Witch: Eat you? I don't want to eat you. I just want to help you make some yummy pancakes! Ah-ho-ho-ho! After all, it's important to have a grown-up in the kitchen.

Goby: She's gonna help us make the pancakes!

Kitchen Witch: You bet your sweet syrup I will!

Goby, Oona and Kitchen Witch: Flip it up, flip it back... flip it on the pancake stack!

Nonny: And they all lived happily ever after! (pancake lands on Nonny's head)

Kitchen Witch: Whoops, sorry about that, Nonnycakes.

Goby, Oona and Kitchen Witch: (all laughing)

Announcer: It's a beautiful day for... Batterball!

Bubble Puppy: (barking excitedly)

Announcer: And here's our home team, the 'Bubbletucky Bakers'!

Crowd: Cupcaaakes!

Announcer: They'll have to work together to make Bubble Batterball Cream cupcakes and get them safely to home plate! The timer is set, and the game's about to start!

Umpire Stef: Batter up!

Announcer: And there's the batter... in that bowl.

Crowd: Heeyyy, batter batter batter!

Announcer: And here comes the pitcher... of milk! (Goby pours the milk into the batter)

Announcer: Add an egg! (Molly adds an egg)

Crowd: Oooohhhhhh!

Molly: Go Gilly!

Announcer: The batter takes the batter to first base, where Oona is ready to mix the batter with her whisk!

Crowd: Mix! (Oona mixes the batter all up with her whisk)

Announcer: And Oona mixes it all up! And Gil's off to second base! He's going to have to pour the batter into the tray if he wants to make it to home plate!

Crowd: Pour!

Deema: Quick! Pour it in here! (Gil pours the batter into Deema's tray)

Announcer: Wow! Look at that, folks!

Little Fish: 15 minutes later! (giggling)

Mr. Grouper: All baked! And cool to the touch!

Announcer: And there's Nonny with the bubble-cream icing! (Nonny puts the buttercream icing into the cupcakes)

Crowd: Ooooohhhh!

Announcer: The cupcakes are iced, and they do look yummy!

Crowd: Yummyyyyyy!

Announcer: All Gil has to do is get those cupcakes to home plate before the timer runs out!

Molly: Hurry, Gilly! (Gil runs to home plate)

Molly: Careful, Gilly! Don't drop the-- (Gil almost drops the cupcakes)


Crowd: (gasping) (Thankfully, Molly catches the cupcakes, and Gil slides into home plate)

(timer dings) Umpire Stef: Safe! (crowd cheering) (eats cupcake): And yummy!

Announcer: They did it! The Bubbletucky Bakers won the game!

Gil: That was awesome! Huh, Molly?

Molly: Yeah! But look at all of these dirty dishes.

Gil: Good thing we have the sprayer! And this time, I know which way to point it. Ready?

Molly: Ready!

Gil: 1, 2, spray! (the sprayer sprays a teeny tiny bit of water) Huh? Heh, no problem! Looks like I need more water!

Molly: Uh, Gilly, I wouldn't--

Gil: Don't worry, Molly! It's all under control. Ready, spray! (the water sprays Gil away) AAAHHHHHHH! (off-screen): I'm okay!

Molly: (giggling)
