Bubble Guppies Wiki

The Kitchen Guys

  • "Batterball" is a pun of the words "baseball", "batter" as in baking mix, and "batter" as in the baseball player who gets to hit the ball with a bat.
  • The orange crab in chef outfit says "Hello" in Jackson's Mom's voice in Bubble Scrubbies!.
  • Goby mentions that he likes to set the table. This is also true in the episode Gobble Gobble Guppies!, when he shows Deema how to set a table properly.
  • Before Nonny says "Milk.", the TV screen is frozen.
  • The lobster sitting on the bench outside of the cupcake shop is wearing a Rotten Tomato T-shirt.
  • "Flip up. Flip it back. Flip it on a pancake stack!" makes its return since The Grumpfish Special!.
    • The "roll the dough" part of the Make A Pizza Pie song also returns from the same episode.
  • When the guppies start the field trip, Molly says "Great, come on" with speaking shortly a lot.
  • This episode aired on Nickelodeon before Barney's Worldwide Adventure! is released.
  • This is the 8th episode of Season 4 in production code order.
  • Brad Abelle makes a guest appearance, who would also feature in Guppy Style parts 1 & 2.
  • During the Batterball game, Molly wears her baseball cap backwards. But at the last Molly & Gil segment when Molly and Gil are still wearing their baseball uniforms, she wears her baseball cap the normal way, forwards.
  • This is the 2nd episode where the field trip takes place at the Baseball stadium, the first being "Puddleball!"