- The episode's title is a reference to the phrase 'Abracadabra!'
- Tobie Lasalandra make her second appearance in this episode.
- Mr. Grouper is in the storybook segment for the first time since "Bubble Puppy."
- Molly leads her first dance segment in Season 2 and since Get Around in Super Shrimptennial Celebration.
- This was Clam's reappearance in Season 2.
- It is implied that Oona has some feelings for Goby, since as when he supposedly disappeared as part of Nonny's magic trick, all the other Guppies were excited that the trick worked and cheered, except Oona who became very worried and asked for Nonny to bring Goby back.
- The Ogre is loosely based on Shrek from the Shrek Franchise and movies.
- Gil says "Let's go check it out" for the first time.
- The scene whare the magician falls under the stage is a Reference to Care Bears: To The Rescue Movie scene where grumpy bear falls under the stage.
- After This Episode Premiered, There Will Be A 4 Month Hiatus Until The Episode, Bubble Duckies! Premiered
- This was the final episode to air in 2012.
- This is the 14th episode of Season 2 in production code order.
- This Episode aired a year after Happy Clam Day! Premiered.
- This marks another show about magicians. The others being Max and Ruby and Franklin.
- This episode aired alongside the Tickety Toc episode Show Time/Swap Time.
Goofs/Animation Errors[]
- When Daisy the Magician pulls a rabbit out of her hat, it is obvious that the rabbit has no feet on its lower body.
- When Deema, Goby and Mr. Grouper oohs to the first magician does the elephant disappear as they sounded as the crowd blocks their mouths for non-speaking with Nonny and Oona during the field trip in the scene.