Bubble Guppies Wiki
Bubble Guppies Wiki

Gil: Mr. Grouper, you guys, Molly's gonna be a big sister, to a baby!

Deema and Oona: (squealing): A baby...?!

MollyUh-huh! My mommy's going to have a baby!

Deema and Oona: A baby...!

Gil: Uh oh!

Mia: (crying)

Molly: Shh, shh, shh. You're all right, Mia.

Deema: What's wrong, Oona?

Oona: (worried): I hope we get to see the baby before she's all grown-up.

NonnyBabies take a long time to grow as big as us.

Gil: Yeah! Babies need lots of food and sleep and--

Oona: (smiles): Lots of love.

Mr. Grouper: That's right. The new baby will grow up in a loving home and have everything a baby needs.

Goby: Yeah! The baby can eat food in the kitchen.

Nonny: And go to sleep in a bedroom.

Oona: (hugging Nonny): And snuggle in the living room.

Deema: Ahh... there's no place like home.

Gil: Let's sing about it!

Doctor Snail: I think your friends are just in time.

Deema: Just in time for what?

Doctor Snail: Well, while Molly's mommy rests, I was taking big sister here to meet the baby!

Goby: Can we come?

Deema: I wanna see the baby!

Doctor Snail: Is that okay with you, big sister?

Molly: Mmm-hmm. Do you wanna come see the new baby? Great, come on! (almost bumps into shark) Oops. Excuse me.

Shark: Heh, excuse me.

Oona: Awwwww.... Look at all the babies.

Goby: They're so cute.

Gil: Which one is it, Molly?

Molly: Hmm. Um, I'm not sure.

Deema: What's her name?

Molly: Her name... [baby giggling] ... is Mia.

Deema and Oona: Mia...

Gil: Hi, there, Mia. [Mia giggling]

Mr. Grouper: What a pretty name. "Mia". (Mia giggling) Molly and Mia.

Molly: Mia.

Mia: (giggles)

Molly: That's right. I'm your big sister, I'm Molly.

Mia: (making baby noises, giggling)

Mr. Grouper: I think she loves the sound of your voice, Molly.

Ms. Peekytoe: Oh, that's wonderful news, sweetie.

Molly: I can't wait.

Gil: Hi, Molly. Hi, Ms. Peekytoe.

Molly: Hi, Gilly.

Ms. Peekytoe: Good morning, dear. You must be so excited for Molly.

Gil: About what?

Molly: I'm going to be a big sister!

Gil: (smirking): Cool. (shocked): Wait! You are?! (excited, swimming in circles): You're going to be a big sister. That's so cool. I wonder if it's going to be a boy or a Gil -- I mean, a girl and it's gonna have brown eyes or pinkish hair like you or maybe blue hair like me. Molly's going to be a big sister! Maybe the baby will like to sing and--oof! (bumps into Bubble Puppy)

Mrs. Peekytoe: (chuckling) I think Gil is just as excited as you are!

Molly: (giggling)

Goby: Is it a girl or a boy baby?

Molly: I don't know. It's a surprise!

Mr. Grouper: Oh, congratulations, Molly! That's really exciting.

Deema: Can you bring it in tomorrow so we can play with it?

Mr. Grouper: Well, Deema, it'll take a little while before the baby's big enough to play.

Molly: Yeah, my mommy said that when babies are brand new, they can only do a few thir. Grouper: ngs.

Gil: Like what?

Mr. Grouper: Let's think about it. What can brand new babies do?

Oona: This is my baby kitty. Meow. Come on! Meow meow! Here's some milk to drink, kitty.

Mr. Grouper: What a cute kitten, Oona. Does she have a name?

Oona: Mm-hmm. Marie.

Mr. Grouper: That's a nice name.

Gil: Hey, Molly, what are they gonna name the baby?

Molly: Hmm... I don't know yet

Deema: I had a turtle named Beyonda. But I don't know if she was ever a baby, because when I got her, she was already big.

Mr. Grouper: Well, every animal starts out as a baby. And sometimes we call baby animals something different than the grown-up animals.

Oona: Like we call baby cats kittens.

Mr. Grouper: Yup.

Goby: And baby frogs are called tadpoles.

Nonny: And baby oysters are called spats. (The Guppies and Mr. Grouper give shocked expressions)

Mr. Grouper: Huh. I didn't know that.

Guppies: (all laughing)

Deema: Let's sing about baby animals.

Deema: I'm teaching the babies how to do stuff. Come on!

Guppies: (all talking like babies)

Deema: Okay, babies. Are you ready to learn stuff?

Gil: Goo-goo-ga-ga! Ga-ga!

Guppies: (giggling)

Deema: This is a toothbrush. You use it to brush your teeth.

Goby: Hey, wait a minute! We're babies! We don't have teeth yet.

Deema: I forgot about that.

Guppies: (all laughing)

Mr. Grouper: Okay, guys. What story do you wanna hear?

Gil: Can you make one up?

Mr. Grouper: Okay, let's see... what should the story be about?

Goby: Oh, I know! How about a baby?

Gil: Yeah, a baby!

Mr. Grouper: Oh, well, maybe you guys should tell the story!

Gil and Goby: Okay!

Goby: How do we start?

Gil: How about with: "Once upon a time".

Goby: Oh yeah. Once upon a time... there was... a baby.

Gil: Yeah. And the baby wanted... something soft to snuggle with.

Goby: So he tried to snuggle with... a dump truck!

Oona and Nonny: (give confused expressions)

Goby: But... it was too hard!

Guppies: (all laughing)

Gil: (giggles): Yeah! So then he tried to snuggle with... a box of crayons, but it was too messy!

Goby: But then, his big brother gave him his nice, soft blanket, and it...

Gil and Goby: ...was just right.

Guppies: (all cheering)

Mr. Grouper: What a happy ending!
