Bubble Guppies Wiki

Call a Clambulance!
Snapshot 12 (25-05-2012 23-08)

  • Gil: Hello, Molly! I am a skeleton!
  • Gil: You're not scared?
  • Molly: Not really. Skeletons aren't scary, they're just bones. We all have bones just like that inside of us. (She brings an X-Ray. She lights it up and it shows her bones.)
  • Gil: What-what's that?!?
  • Molly: My skeleton.
  • Gil: Skeleton?!?
  • Molly: Uh-huh. My bones. (holds the X-Ray that shows her skull.) Hello, Gilly!

(Gil screams at the skull, then at the skeleton and swims away.)

  • Gorilla: Gorillas don't eat people.
  • Nonny: (offscreen) That's what I said!