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- Batterball!/Images
- Boy Meets Squirrel!/Images
- Bring on the Bugs!/Images
- Bubble Baby!/Images
- Bubble Bites!/Images
- Bubble Duckies!/Images
- Bubble Guppies (Unaired Pilot)/Images
- Bubble Guppies: Fin-Tastic Fairytale Adventure/Images
- Bubble Kitty!/Images
- Bubble Medics to the Rescue!/Images
- Bubble Puppy!/Images
- Bubble Puppy's Fin-tastic Fairy Tale!/Images
- Bubble Scrubbies!/Images
- Bubble-Cadabra!/Images
- Build Me a Building!/Images
- Genie in a Bubble!/Images
- Get Ready for School!/Images
- Gil's Gallery - Bubble Duckies
- Gil's Gallery - Call a Clambulance!
- Gil's Gallery - Who's Gonna Play the Big Bad Wolf?
- Gobble Gobble Guppies!/Images
- Good Hair Day!/Images
- Good Morning, Mr. Grumpfish!/Images
- Gup, Gup and Away!/Images
- Guppy Movers!/Images
- Guppy Style! (Part 1)/Images
- Guppy Style! (Part 2)/Images
- Taste Buddies!/Images
- The Amusement Parking Lot!/Images
- The Arctic Life!/Images
- The Beach Ball!/Images
- The Big Rig Bandit!/Images
- The Bubble Bee-athalon!/Images
- The Cowgirl Parade!/Images
- The Crayon Prix!/Images
- The Elephant Trunk-a-Dunk/Images
- The Glitter Games!/Images
- The Good, the Sad and the Grumpy!/Images
- The Grumpfish Special!/Images
- The Guppies Save Christmas!/Images
- The Kingdom of Clean!/Images
- The Kingdom of Laughs-a-Lot!/Images
- The Legend Of Pinkfoot/Images
- The Mighty, Untidy Titans!/Images
- The Moon Rocks!/Images
- The New Doghouse!/Images
- The New Guppy!/Images
- The New Year's Dragon!/Images
- The Oyster Bunny!/Images
- The Police Cop-etition!/Images
- The Running of the Bullfrogs!/Images
- The Spring Chicken is Coming!/Images
- The Temple of the Lost Puppy!/Images
- The Unidentified Flying Orchestra!/Images
- The Wizard of Oz-tralia!/Images
- Too Bright for Movie Night!/Images
- Trick or Treat, Mr. Grumpfish!/Gallery
- Triple-Track Train Race!/Images