Nonny without his glasses on.
- This is the first episode (and only in season 3) that Nonny is not seen with glasses. This will happen again in Bubble Baby! but this only happens in the Come To Your Senses (Song) from this episode.
- Nonny's lack of sportiness is seen again is this episode when he smashes himself in the face with a ball.
- All background music and songs had the microphone reverb.
- The music Nonny was listening to before Molly and Oona checked on him was a instrumental version of The Conductor's Dance and The Ballet Dance.
- This is the 3rd time that Molly and Gil did the storybook together. The first time was in "A Tooth on the Looth!" and "Get Ready For School!".
- This is the third time in season 3 where Gil, Nonny, and Deema do the dance song. The first time was in "The Super Ballet Bowl!" and "The Oyster Bunny!".
- In the music store closed, the shop segment reappeared in The Unidentified Flying Orchestra!.
- When Nonny was in The Mall, the slushie stand from The Puppy And The Ring is seen while the screen showed Nonny's vision feels blurry.
- In the shop segment, the instrumental of Call The Police can be heard, similar to the shop segment for The Police Cop-etition!
- ”Smelly Stone” is a play on the national park in the Hanna Barbera cartoon, Yogi Bear, “Jellystone”.
- The song was reused in Bubble Baby! in Season 4.
- This is the 15th episode of Season 3 in production code order.
- After this episode premiered, The Show went on a 4 Month Hiatus Until The Bubble Bee-athalon!.
- This episode aired alongside the Paw Patrol episode Pups Save The Camping Trip/Pups & The Trouble With Turtles.

Here's Proof
During the filed trip segment, when Nonny Passes the Music Store, Closed Captioning On TV Boradcasts Says: "Or see your friend walk by" instead of: "Or see your friend swim by"