Stylee: And what's your name?
Molly: (whispering): I'm Gil, and that's Molly... (gives confused expression)
Stylee: (giggling)
Molly: (normally): I mean, I'm Molly! (giggles)
Gil: And I'm Gil. (Bubble Puppy barks) And this is Bubble Puppy.
Stylee: It's nice to meet you guys. I am (belting): 🎶 Styleeeeee, yeah! 🎶
Molly: Mr. Grouper!
Gil: We just met Stylee!
Molly: She was totally cool!
Guppies: Really?! Stylee?! Wow!
Mr. Grouper: Whoa! Wait! You met THE Stylee: the world-famous pop star?
Molly: Uh-huh!
Gil: Sure did!
Mr. Grouper: (gushing excitedly): Ahh! I love Stylee!
Guppies: (all laughing)
Nonny: What's a pop star?
Mr. Grouper: A pop star is someone who's famous for singing popular songs!
Nonny: Thank you.
Mr. Grouper: Oh, Stylee is famous for her hairstyles! Her hairstyle is different every time she performs!
Molly: Your hairstyle is how you like your hair to look.
Goby: I like my hair to look super short.
Oona: I like putting pretty things in my hair, like my star!
Oona's star: You go, girl!
Oona and Deema: (both giggling)
Deema: I like my hair really big!
Gil: Stylee said she liked my cowlick.
Goby: (confused): You got licked by a cow?
Deema and Oona: Ewwwwwww!
Mr. Grouper: (chuckles) Well, that's just what people call when a part of your hair is always sticking up: a cowlick.
Goby: (plucks Gil's cowlick)
Guppies: (all giggling)
Molly: And look, Mr. Grouper, we got tickets to Stylee's concert tonight!
Mr. Grouper: (gasping in shock)
Deema: (dazed): She got tickets!
Mr. Grouper: Tickets?! For all of us?!
Molly: Uh-huh!
Gil: Even Bubble Puppy!
Mr. Grouper: (gushing): Oh... my... goodness!
Oona: Can we go, Mr. Grouper?
Guppies: Yeah, can we, Mr. Grouper?! Please?! Can we?!
Nonny: I've never been to a concert before.
Mr. Grouper: Well, gee, I don't know, guys. The concert's in Big Bubble City. That's pretty far away from here.
Guppies: Pleeeeeassseee?! Can we, Mr. Grouper?!
Mr. Grouper: Well, I don't know if we can make it in time.
Nonny: (checks watch): If we leave right now, we can.
Mr. Grouper: (smiles): Let's go!
Guppies: YAY!!! ROAD TRIP!!!
Mr. Grouper: Next stop: Big Bubble City!
Guppies: (all cheering)
Deema: (singing): 🎶 Bubble City, Bubble City, oh, what a town! 🎶 🎶 Skyscrapers are up, and the subways are down! 🎶 In...
Guppies and Mr. Grouper: (all singing): 🎶 Big Bubble CITYYYYYY! 🎶
Guppies: (all laughing)
Deema: I like the big city!
Oona: Molly, what do you think Stylee's style will be tonight?
Molly: I don't know, but I bet it's gonna be great!
Gil: Hey, Molly, what's your style?
Molly: My style? I don't know... Mr. Grouper, do I have a style?
Mr. Grouper: Well, of course you do. Everyone has their own style that reflects who they are inside.
Deema: (confused): Huh?!
Mr. Grouper: You see, each of you has your own way of wearing your hair and wearing your clothes, right?
Guppies: Yeah. Uh-huh.
Mr. Grouper: Well, that's your own personal style. And your style helps to make you feel like you.
Deema: (checking her hair): Yup! I feel like me!
Guppies: (all laughing)
(pop music playing on radio)
Gil: Mr. Grouper, would you turn up the radio, please?
Mr. Grouper: You got it!
(pop music playing louder) Molly: It's Stylee's song!
Guppies: I love this song! Yeah, all right!
Deema: I think that cow wants to lick Gil's head.
Goby: Country style is my favorite!
Dusty: It is? Well, maybe you should wear this to the concert tonight! (gives Goby a cowboy hat) After all, what's country style without a cowboy hat?
Goby: Yee-haw!
Guppies: (all giggling)
Goby: Thanks, Dusty!
Dusty: You're welcome, partner!
Mechanic: I'm sorry, Mr. Grouper. It looks like you're whatchamagoozer needs a new Transfillabooster. (Mr. Grouper and the guppies stare at him, confused, blinking their eyes) I'm afraid you're gonna need a new engine.
Mr. Grouper: Oh no!
Gil: Cool hat.
Baseball Teammate: Thank you.
Oona: I like baseball hats. Mr. Grouper, what kind of style is it when you wear sports stuff?
Mr. Grouper: Hmm, I guess that would be called sporty style.
Oona and Gil: Yeah! Sporty style! (They both slap a high five)
Baseball Teammate: Let's sing about it.