Bubble Guppies Wiki

Haunted House Party!


(The guppies are drawing Halloween pictures)

  • Molly: Look at my jack-o-lantern, Mr. Grouper.
  • Deema: And look at my monster motel. Pretty spooky, eh?
  • Oona: Don't get scared.
  • Mr. Grouper: Me? Scared? It's gonna take something spookier than that to scare me.

(Nonny, dressed as a vampire, appears behind Mr. Grouper as he speaks)

  • Gil: What about that vampire?
  • Mr. Grouper: What vampire?
  • Deema (whispering): The one right behind you.

(Mr. Grouper cautiously looks behind him and sees Nonny in his vampire costume)

  • Mr. Grouper: OHH! VAMPIRE!!!

(The Guppies laughing)

  • Molly: That's a good costume, Nonny. (giggles)
  • Nonny (Transylvanian accent): Thank you very much
  • Goby: Are you gonna be a vampire for the haunted house party?

Nonny (Transylvanian accent): Yes, I am. What are you going to be?

Gil (nervously): A g-g-g-g-ghost!!
