- This episode makes a Transformers reference by having Humunga-Truck transform into a robot. Its robot form has similar coloring to Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots.
- Molly and Gil are once again the main characters when Gil is saying "Hey" for the first and Molly is saying "Hi" like Gil for the next and Bubble Puppy didn't bark to say "Hello" to the viewers.
- Nonny finally says "Hello" to the viewers during the school entry scene.
- Goby narrates the storybook segment, breaking the streak of Nonny narrating (Since he is in the storybook with Oona).
- Goby also sings the dance song, breaking the streak of Deema doing the dance songs, he is rapping about the dance moves, instead of speaking about the dance moves
- Music from Bubble Puppy's Fin-tastic Fairytale is used.
- This is another show that has trucks. The others being Dora the Explorer with We All Scream for Ice Cream, Rojo the Firetruck, Stuck Truck, and Verde's Birthday Party, Blue's Clues with Soccer Practice, Oswald with Chasing the Ice Cream Truck, Thomas and Friends with Elizabeth, Madge, Max, Monty, Belle, Flynn, and Butch, Jay Jay the Jet Plane with Revvin' Evan and Tuffy, Team Umizoomi with Ice Cream Truck, the and Disney Pixar Cars 1 and Cars 2 with Mack, Red and Mater.
- Nonny claps while he says "Come on" in his high-pitched voice like in Season 1 scenes that it did during the Outside song.
- This is the 8th episode of Season 2 in production code order.
- Goby says "Hey, everybody, it's time to dance", instead of "Come on, everybody, it's time to dance".
- When the dance song starts, Gil and Deema wears our red trucker's hats when Gil's trucker's hat is blue and Deema's trucker's hat is green if Goby sings very wrongly becomes correct onwards in Check it Out!.
- The guppies didn't laugh and giggle while going inside, which is only Goby laughs and giggles while Molly is feeling shy like Nonny.
- Molly, Gil, Frank, and Tow Truck helping Humunga Truck out of mud is similar to what happened in Dora the Explorer in Stuck Truck when Dora, Boots, and Tow Truck helped Ice Cream out of a ditch.
- At the start of the story segment, Oona and Nonny are pretending to be the truck drivers while the playground zooms in the camera like Season 1 scenes along with Little Fish swims and looks to them
- When the guppies goes outside if Oona probably smiles of her teeth that she didn’t look to the camera.
- At the end of the story segment, Deema, Gil and Little Fish cheering when Goby swims left, instead of he swims up when Oona and Nonny didn't cheer and onwards Season 5.
- The unicorns are similar from My Little Pony series.
- During the truck show, when the firetrucks show up, you can see Dotty the Firedog and the firefighters from Firefighter Gil to the Rescue before Molly, Gil and Frank are driving the tow truck and arriving the truck show during the field trip.
- This is the third time Goby dresses as a firefighter, the first being Happy Holidays, Mr. Grumpfish! and Firefighter Gil to the Rescue!
- The different kinds of trucks are references to previous episodes such as the firetruck (Firefighter Gil to the Rescue!), mail truck (Happy Clam Day!), food truck (Bubble Bites!), construction truck (Build Me a Building!)
- Charlie Adler, who is known for his voice director work in many Nickelodeon-related productions, is one of three voice directors of this episode.
- The main characters of Bubble Guppies didn't copy the dance moves when Humunga-Truck does like the pop song in the truck show.
- Nonny can be seen wearing his candymakers' outfit from Happy Holidays, Mr. Grumpfish!
- Oona likes trucks.
- This episode features the return of Gary Anthony Williams.
- This is the second, third, and fourth time the phrases "Pee-uskie!" and "Pee-yooie!" were used.
- Little Fish says "Yippee!" in twice.
- Molly told the Little Fish to point to the right answer of the tow truck as she briefly does Goby's face and didn't say "That's right, the tow truck" in the brown background during the field trip.
- At the end, The Transition to the ending song does not appear.
- After this episode premiered, The Show went on a 4 Month Hiatus Until Check it Out!.