This is a list of Bubble Guppies. Numbers in parentheses is the overall episode number.
Season 1[]
- (1) Call a Clambulance! (106)
- (2) The Crayon Prix! (116)
- (3) Bubble Puppy! (108)
- (4) Build Me a Building! (103)
- (5) Ducks in a Row! (117)
- (6) The Grumpfish Special! (104)
- (7) The Moon Rocks! (118)
- (8) Who's Gonna Play The Big Bad Wolf? (112)
- (9) We Totally Rock! (105)
- (10) Fishketball! (102)
- (11) The Legend Of Pinkfoot (107)
- (12) Gup, Gup and Away! (119)
- (13) The Spring Chicken is Coming! (113)
- (14) Boy Meets Squirrel! (120)
- (15) Have a Cow! (111)
- (16) Super Shrimptennial Celebration! (110)
- (17) Happy Clam Day! (101)
- (18) Can You Dig It? (109)
- (19) Bubble Bites! (114)
- (20) Haunted House Party! (Halloween Special) (115)
Season 2[]
- (21) X Marks the Spot! (201)
- (22) Happy Holidays, Mr. Grumpfish! (Christmas Special) (202)
- (23) The Lonely Rhino! (203)
- (24) Bubble Puppy's Fin-tastic Fairy Tale! (204-205)
- (25) The Cowgirl Parade! (207)
- (26) Firefighter Gil to the Rescue! (206)
- (27) A Tooth on the Looth! (209)
- (28) Humunga-Truck! (208)
- (29) Check It Out! (219)
- (30) The Beach Ball! (210)
- (31) The Sizzling Scampinis! (211)
- (32) Construction Psyched! (212)
- (33) Bubble-Cadabra! (214)
- (34) Bubble Duckies! (217)
- (35) Triple-Train-Track Race! (218)
- (36) Only the Sphinx Nose! (215)
- (37) Sir Nonny The Nice! (213)
- (38) Bring on the Bugs! (216)
- (39) Good Hair Day! (220)
Season 3[]
- (40) Get Ready For School! (304)
- (41) The Police Cop-etition! (305)
- (42) The Elephant Trunk-a-Dunk! (306)
- (43) The Super Ballet Bowl! (307)
- (44) The Arctic Life! (308)
- (45) The Wizard of Oz-tralia! (309)
- (46) Puppy Love! (310)
- (47) The Puppy and the Ring! (Special) (301-302)
- (48) The Amusement Parking Lot! (312)
- (49) Good Morning, Mr. Grumpfish! (303)
- (50) The Oyster Bunny! (311)
- (51) The Unidentified Flying Orchestra! (314)
- (52) Come to Your Senses! (315)
- (53) The Bubble Bee-athalon! (317)
- (54) Party at Sea! (313)
- (55) Bubble Scrubbies! (319)
- (56) Swimtastic Check-Up! (324)
- (57) Gobble Gobble Guppies! (323)
- (58) A Very Guppy Christmas! (Christmas Special) (320)
- (59) Puddleball! (316)
- (60) The Running of The Bullfrogs! (318)
- (61) Bubble Kitty! (322)
- (63) Super Guppies! (326)
- (64) A Dolphin is a Guppy's Best Friend! (325)
- (65) Fruit Camp! (321)
Season 4[]
- (65) The Glitter Games! (402)
- (66) Costume Boxing! (403)
- (67) The New Doghouse! (401)
- (68) Guppy Movers! (406)
- (69) Batterball! (408)
- (70) Temple of the Lost Puppy! (407)
- (71) Space Guppies! (410)
- (72) The New Year's Dragon! (409)
- (73) Sheep Doggy! (411)
- (74) Bubble Baby! (414)
- (75) Guppy Style! (Part 1) (404)
- (76) Guppy Style! (Part 2) (405)
- (77) The Summer Camp Games! (413)
- (78) Trick or Treat, Mr. Grumpfish! (Halloween Special) (412)
Season 5[]
- (79) The New Guppy! (First appearance of Zooli) (501)
- (80) Secret Agent Nonny! (503)
- (81) The Kingdom of Clean! (502)
- (82) The Good, the Sad, and the Grumpy! (504)
- (83) Ocean Patrol! (505)
- (84) Rockin' Out! (506)
- (85) Genie in a Bubble! (Valentine's Day Special) (509)
- (86) A Furry Tale! (507)
- (87) Super Baby! (513)
- (88) Dragons N' Roses! (508)
- (89) Ninja Season! (512)
- (90) Snow Squad to the Rescue! (511)
- (91) Too Bright for Movie Night! (510)
- (92) The Guppies Save Christmas! (Christmas Special) (515)
- (93) The Mighty, Untidy Titans! (514)
- (94) Alison in Wonderland! (Valentine's Day Special) (518)
- (95) It's a Lizard! (516)
- (96) Swinging in the Rainforest! (517)
- (97) Fogzilla! (520)
- (98) Bigfoot Crossing! (521)
- (99) A Load of Litterbugs! (522)
- (100) Bubble Puppysaurus! (526)
- (101) Something Fishy Going On! (523)
- (102) Race to the Oasis (524)
- (103) Escape from Volcano Island! (525)
- (104) Taste Buddies! (519)
Season 6[]
- (105) Werewolves of Bubbledon! (Halloween Special) (601)
- (106) A Giant Harvest Day! (Thanksgiving Special) (603)
- (107) Christmas is Coming! (Christmas Special) (602)
- (108) The Holiday Pirates! (New Year's Special) (605)
- (109) Winter Sports Chompetition! (606)
- (110) The SS Friendship! (Valentine's Day Special) (604)
- (111) Robo Puppy! (607)
- (112) Mountain Ninja Rescue! (615)
- (113) The Jawsome Sharkventure! (Crossover Special) (609)
- (114) The Kingdom of Sleepwell! (608)
- (115) A Big Splash! (611)
- (116) Bubble Medics to the Rescue! (613)
- (117) Search for the Great Silverback! (614)
- (118) Don't Yuck My Yum! (617)
- (119) Mystery on the Guppy Express! (610)
- (120) Puppy Girl and Super Pup! (618)
- (121) The Fastest Feather in the Race! (619)
- (122) The Solar Light Spectacular! (620)
- (123) The Kingdom of Laughs-a-Lot! (612)
- (124) The Big Rig Bandit! (616)
- (125) The Ultra Spy Tool! (625)
- (126) Zooli's New Pet! (621)
- (127) Trouble in Harmony Valley! (622)
- (128) The Three Guppeteers! (626)
- (129) A Slow Day in Zippy City! (623)
- (130) See You Later Alligator! (Series Finale) (624)