Milk Song is a dance from Have a Cow!. It is sung by Deema.
Characters Appearing
Deema: If you want to get milk, I'll tell you how. You better go out and find a cow. Milk, Milk, Milk, that Cow. We get our milk, fresh from the farm.
Gil: Let's Go!
Deema: If you need some eggs where do you get them? You better go out and look under a chicken. Pick Em, Pick Em, Pick Em from a Chicken, Chicken, Chicken, Pick your eggs from a chicken.
Gil: We get eggs fresh from the farm,
Deema: Let's do it! If there aren't any carrots, lying around, you better, pull them up, from the ground, carrots, carrots, pull them from them from the ground, ground, ground, pull carrots from the ground.
Gil: Fresh carrots from the farm,
Deema: Let's Go!
Deema: Milk the Cow, Pick the Eggs, Pull the Carrots, We get our food fresh from the farm.