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Molly's moon Pizzeria
Moon pizaerera

Molly's Moon Pizzeria is the Shop segment from the episode: The Moon Rocks!. Nonny and Gil were the customers, and Molly was the owner.

Characters' Role


Gil and Nonny go to the moon pizzeria, owned by Molly. They order one pizza, but find it difficult trying to share the pizza so that they both get an equal amount. Molly divides the pizza evenly so Gil and Nonny can share it.


  • When shown as part of Nick Jr's "Count It Up", the background was changed to turquoise.
Season 1 Shops
Dr. Deema's OfficeDeema's Pet Supply ShopGil's Helmet StoreDeema's Tool ShopDeema's Marching MartDeema and Nonny's Fast Fruit RestaurantMolly's Moon PizzeriaOona's Little Actor StoreDeema's Music StoreDeema's Big Bouncy Ball BazzarGoby's Outdoor StoreShrimpy AirlinesMother Nature Deema's Art GalleryOutside Animal ShopDeema the Animal CallerNonny's Big Bubble BakeryNonny's Post OfficeDeema's Dinosaur Drive ThruDeema's Produce PartyPet Potion Shore
Season 2 Shops
Deema's Pirate ShopDeema's BakeryDeema's Habitat HotelDeema's Opposite SaloonDeema's Firefighter GameGoby's Dentist OfficeDeema's Loading DockDeema's LibraryDeema's Seashell StoreDeema's Circus Supplies StoreDeema's Construction Training SiteDeema's Magic Supplies Store