Captain Gil: "Mr President, we found some music sir."
President Fuzzyfish: "Thank the stars! Greetings Princess Molly. I'm afraid your music player may hold the very last music there is."
Princess Molly: "The last music? In the galaxy?"
Fuzzyfish: "Yes. You must do everything you can to keep it safe. (Alarm goes off) What? Uh-oh!"
Captain Gilly: "Mr President?"
Fuzzyfish: "I gotta go! Major Bummer's here at the station" (Exits the scene)
Princess: "Mr President!"
Captain: "Princess, we have to protect your music player. Mr Smarts get us all back to the ship immediately"
Mr. Smarts: "Teleporting now, Captain"
Robot Deema: "(sadly) It's really not the same without music. (Turns around and notices the Princess) Hello space adventurers I'm Robot Deema. Welcome to Robot Dance Party What can I do for you guys?"
Princess: "I'm Princess Molly and we're looking for a robot who can talk to a computer"
Robot Deema: "Well then you certainly came to the right place I can talk to just about any computer in the galaxy Let's take a look"
Princess: "We don't have the computer with us"
Robot Deema: "You don't? Then where is it?"
Captain, Mr Smarts, and Princess: "The Galactic Bubble Station."
Princess: "We need your help so we can plug this in"
(Deema goes all crazy when she sees a music player)
Robot Deema: "That's a music player"
Gil: "It's the last 1 in the whole galaxy!"
Mr. Smarts: "Knucklehead ship dead ahead"
Commander Klutzy: "Attention, alien spaceship. You have entered knucklehead space."
Robot Deema: "Knucklehead space? What's that?"
Captain Gil: "Knucklehead space is controlled by the Knucklehead people of Planet Doofider"
Mr. Smarts: "They're very clumsy. They tend to trip and bump into things a lot"
Oona: "Careful Goby"
Goby: "Sorry (On screen) I bumped your ship a little. I'm a little klutzy"
Oona: "It's true"
Goby: "Allow us to introduce ourselves I'm Commander Klutzy from Planet Doofider"
Oona: "And I'm Commander Clumsy"
Goby: "You are all under arrest for stealing music from our planet!"
Oona: "Really uncool, you guys"
Molly: "Excuse me, Commanders, but we didn't take your music."
Gil: "But we know who did."
Goby: "Ya do?"
Gil: "It was Major Bummer!"
Commanders: "Major Bummer?!?"
Gil: "We're on our way to the Galactic Bubble Station, but we ran outta fuel."
Commander Clumsy: "What are you going there for?"
Princess: "To plug my music player in the main computer"
Commander Klutzy: "Your music player? (Molly shows them the player) Whoa! I'm OK!"
Commander Clumsy: "There's music on there?"
Captain Gil, Princess Molly, Mr. Smarts and Robot-Deema: "The last music in the galaxy."
Mr. Smarts: "If we can plug this music player into the main computer at the Bubble Station we should be able to restore all the music in the galaxy"
Commander Clumsy: "Makes sense to me"
Commander Klutzy: "We can get you there on our ship. Prepare to teleport aboard"
Princess: "Thank you."
(And so the 4 kids along with their new friends zoomed to the station)
Lobster Bot: "Attention, incoming spaceship you're not allowed to approach this station. Present your secret identification codes immediately"
Clumsy: "You don't need our identification"
Lobster Bot: "Yes, we do. Prepare to be boarded."