"The Australia Dance" is a dance song from The Wizard of Oz-tralia! that is sung by Deema with Oona singing along with her.
Deema gets her friends and the viewers to do a dance about koalas.
Characters Appearing
Deema [Speaking]: Come on, everybody! It’s time to dance!
Come on, all you koalas! Get up and dance with us! Come on, get up! We’re gonna climb up a eucalyptus tree, just like a koala!
[Singing]: Hey, koala, are you hungry?
Then get on up that eucalyptus tree
If you want something to eat,
Climb on up and get a leafy treat!
[Speaking]: All right, everybody, when I say “go”, we’re gonna start climbing hand over hand up our eucalyptus tree—grab us some leaves!
Are you ready? Here we go!
[Singing]: Hand over hand, climb up the tree
[With Oona]: Climb the tree, climb the tree!
Deema: Hand over hand, climb up the tree
Grab a left for you and a leaf for me!
Hand over hand, climb up the tree
[With Oona]: Climb the tree, climb the tree!
Deema: Hand over hand, climb up the tree
Grab a leaf for you and a leaf for me!
Koala in the great outback,
Baby clingin’ to your back
Looking for the perfect snack, An eucalyptus snaaaaa-aaaack!
Hand over hand, climb up the tree
[With Oona]: Climb the tree, climb the tree!
Deema: Hand over hand, climb up the tree
Grab a leaf for you and a leaf for me!
[With Oona]: (Climb the tree, up the tree,)
Deema: Grab me a leaf!
[With Oona]: (Climb the tree, you and me,)
Deema: From that—
[With Oona]: (Climb the tree, up the tree,)
Deema: Eucalyptus tree-ee!
[With Oona]: (Climb the tree, you and me,)
Deema: Ooooh, grab me a snack…
Koala-0 American English Version |
Bubble guppies Australia ballo italiano Italian Version |