The Elephant Dance is the dance song for the episode The Elephant Trunk-a-Dunk!. Performed by Deema, Nonny and Goby. It is mainly sung by Deema, but has parts where Goby sings with her.
This song was written by Michael Rubin & Nick Balaban.
Characters Appearing
Deema [Speaking]: C’mon everybody! It’s time to dance!
C’mon all you elephant lovers, get up and dance with us! Come on, get up! We’re gonna swing our trunks just like elephants!
[Singing]: Elephants roam free, it’s true
In African and Asia too!
Their tusks are teeth, their trunks are their nose…
[With Goby]: Hey, everybody…!
Here’s how our elephant dance go-o-oes!
Deema [Speaking]: All right, everybody. When I say “go”, we’re gonna move our trunks around like parading pachyderms! Are you ready? Here we go! A one, two, three!
[Singing with Goby]: Wave your trunk, let it swi-ing,
Wave your trunk, that’s just the thi-ing
Wave your trunk, let it swa-y,
Wave your trunk,
The elephant way!
Wave your trunk, up and do-own,
Wave your trunk, all a ro-ound!
Wave your trunk, in the ai-ir,
Let your trunk trumpet bl-are!
Pachyderm, hey, pachyderm!
Thundering, stompin’ pachyderm!
Deema: Thundering for all to hear…!
Flap those floppy…
[With Goby]: E-normous ea-a-a-a-rs!
Wave your trunk, let it swi-ing,
Wave your trunk, that’s just the thi-ing
Wave your trunk, let it swa-y,
Wave your trunk, The elephant way!
Bubble Guppies elefante ballo italiano-0 Italian Version Bubble Guppies UK Swing Your Elephant Trunk-1421119635 British Version |