Bubble Guppies Wiki


  • Molly wore the same cowgirl outfit from The Cowgirl Parade! and The Summer Camp Games!.
  • The music playing at the beginning of the story segment was the instrumental version of The Farmers Song.
  • This is the first time since The New Guppy!, where there's a Molly and Gil sketch at the beginning.
  • This is Mr. Grumpfish's 8th appearance, only this time, he appears in 2D animation in the first Molly & Gil sketch and throughout the story.
  • Before the bubble pops which the story concludes, Nonny smiles.
  • This is the fourth episode in a row with no prologue, field trip or dance song.
  • This is the last episode to premiere in 2019, as well as the final episode to premiere in the 2010s decade.
  • After this episode has aired, there was a 41-day hiatus until the premiere of Ocean Patrol!.
  • The title is a parody of The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly. And even the good, the bad, and the silly from Chloe closet.
  • Several Emojis were seen during the song Feelings!.
  • In a scene, Molly's arm clips through her badge.
  • After Nonny swims upwards after the story, he is seen frozen up there before teleporting into line.
  • In the sheriff’s office, there were pictures of The Witch, Sid Fishy, Roughy and Bigmouth Bass.
  • This episode premiered on Nick Jr in the UK on Saturday 9th May 2020.
  • This is the 4th episode of Season 5 in production code order.
  • Starting with this episode, Deema's speaking and singing voice is played by Catherine Ashmore Bradley for the rest of Season 5.