Bubble Guppies Wiki
  • This is the 80th episode as a whole.
  • This episode aired 4 days before the passing of Season 3 voice actress Laurel Griggs at the age of 13 due to an asthma attack.
  • This is the third special in a row where the story takes up the whole episode.
  • This is the second and final episode to feature Sky Alexis.
  • Molly and Gil wore the same peasant outfits from The Puppy and the Ring
  • Oona wore the same outfit from Sir Nonny The Nice! and The Glitter Games!
  • Once again, Mr. Grouper wore the same king outfit from The Puppy and the Ring
  • Zooli appears in the lunchtime segment for the first time.
  • This episode is similar to the Season 3 episode Bubble Scrubbies! Though while this episode talks about keeping a healthy habit, Bubble Scrubbies mostly talks about washing your hands to prevent getting sick.
  • Demanda gets back to wear her golden dress since Sir Nonny the Nice!.
  • The plot of this episode is similar to The Backyardigans episode "Robin Hood The Clean".
  • There was no shop segment in this special.
  • At the end of the story, when all 7 guppies go back inside, Goby is the only guppy not to go back inside.
  • This is the first episode where a guppy plays a villain. In this case, Deema.
  • The episode premiered on the same day as the premiere of America's Most Musical Family.
  • This is the first episode in 42 months that Molly gets to sing with her blue fish tail microphone again.
  • TV listings and the promo call this "A Royal Mess". It is unknown if that was the original title.
  • This episode premiered on Nick Jr in the UK on Sunday 26th April 2020
  • This is the 2nd episode of Season 5 in production code order.
  • This the first episode since The New Guppy! to not feature an ending quote.
  • This episode premiered on Nov 1 2019, the first day of November, the Day After Halloween
  • Before the Guppies wash their hands, Oona and Nonny clip through each other.
  • This is the second episode in which Gil introduces himself after Molly introduces herself and then they both say "It's time for Bubble Guppies!". This happened for the first time in Secret Agent Nonny! This would happen again for the final time in the special crossover episode The Jaw-some Sharkventure!
  • Animation Error: When Gil uses his droopy eyes to say "C'mon, boy.", the TV screen is twitching.
  • When Oona was first seen in the story segment, she keeps switching from clean to dirty between frames.
  • Zooli's statement "Healthy habits keep you clean" isn't really accurate because balanced diets and exercise won't keep you clean.
    • Same thing happens again in the pop song when Molly says "That's what you do to be healthy" but bathing and brushing your teeth won't guarantee a healthy life.