"The Ladder Dance" is the dance song from the episode: Firefighter Gil to the Rescue. It is similar to The Cowboy Dance and The Circus Dance. This song is sung by Deema.
Characters Appearing
Deema: Firefighters! Get up! Let's go! Hurry up now, don't be slow!
We're gonna stop the fire, climb higher and higher,
Till we reach a good spot to fight that fire!
[Speaking]: Alright everybody, We're gonna climb the ladder to fight the fire, we're movin' hand over hand.
Are you ready?
Here we go! 1 2 3!
[Singing]: Move hand over hand on the ladder, move hand over hand on the ladder, move hand over hand on the ladder, climb up, climb up,
Yeah, up we go!
Oona: Other side!
Deema: Move hand over hand on the ladder, move hand over hand on the ladder,
Move hand over hand on the ladder, climb up, climb up, yeah, up we go!
Firefighter climbin' to the sky!
On your bravery we do rely!
Oona: Now climb the ladder!
Deema: Move hand over hand on the ladder, move hand over hand on the ladder,
Move hand over hand on the ladder, climb up, climb up, yeah, up we go!