Bubble Guppies Wiki
Bubble Guppies Wiki

Gil: Give us back our puppy!

Lobster boss: We meet again, slushie seller.

Gil: Let go of him!

Lobster boss: Out of the way.


(the Snow Guppy freezes one of the soldiers into a block of ice)

Frozen soldier: I'm cold!

(Lobster boss zaps bridge Only Goby Deema and Oona run to safety but Molly and Gil were trapped on a ledge)

Molly: Run, Bubble Puppy!

Gil: You gotta get to the Sun King before it's too late! There boy the castle! You gotta get to it before the sun goes down!

Gil: I think we're outside. Look, you can see the stars.

Molly: That's weird. It can't be nighttime yet. Uh, Gilly. I don't think those are stars.

The Under Guppy: They're not. They're bats.

Gil: AHHH!

The Under Guppy: Shh!

Molly: Run!!!

The Under Guppy (talking to the bats): Be still, my pets. Be still. They didn't mean to wake you up. The sun is not yet down. Sleep my pets, sleep.

(The bats fly away)

Molly: You must be...

The Under Guppy: Yes. I am the Under Guppy, ruler of the underground realm.

Gil: Are you gonna sing about yourself?

The Under Guppy: Mm-hmm.

The Snow Guppy: Now, what brings you to my snowy realm?

Molly: We're on a quest to reach the castle of the Sun King.

The Snow Guppy: What's a quest?

(The Under Guppy magically appears, but the others don't see him).

Under Guppy: A quest is a long journey to find something or get somewhere.

(The Under Guppy disappears)

Flutter Guppy Deema: Who said that?

Snow Guppy: You guys are going all the way to save the Sun King? What for? Oh hey little pup (Gasps when he sees the ring) Wait a minute Is that the Ring of the Sun?

Deema: Sure is

Oona: We think the Night Wizard must've done something to the Sun King and stolen the ring

Snow Guppy: Oh dear! We must get this ring back to the Sun King before the sun goes down! You'll need help getting down the mountain

Night Wizard: Well everyone it looks as if it's gonna be night night forever and ever. Now give me the dog!

Flutter Guppy Deema: (off-screen) You leave our friends alone!

Night Wizard: What?

Flutter Guppy Oona: Let them go, Night Wizard!

(The Snow Guppy shows up)

Snow Guppy: And their little dog too!

(The under Guppy appears next to the Snow Guppy)

Under Guppy: Hello.

Night Wizard: Let them go? Oh that's rich. It's far too late to save the day now Guppies! (To soldiers) Seize them Seize em all

Soldiers: Lobsters seizing lobsters seizing

Snow Guppy, Molly, and Flutter Guppies Deema and Oona: AVALANCHE!!!

Snow Guppy: Come on!
