Far away, in the deserts of Egypt, two fearless explorers and their faithful puppy, were on another exciting adventure.
They were looking for an entrance to a secret chamber, hidden within a deep and mysterious ancient tomb. But, just as they were about to give up, their puppy discovered a way in.
Inside the chamber, they found lots of stuff from a long time ago. Even treasure. The explorers warned their puppy not to touch anything. But, sometimes, puppies just can't help themselves. Especially, when the treasure looks like...
But, this was no ordinary squeaky bone. It was a magical bone, that would make any puppy touch it...
And that was the last time we saw him. He was holding the bone in his mouth, when it started to sparkle. Then, he disappear.
Can you help us find him, Professor?
Can you help us find him, Professor?
Good morning, passengers! This is your captain speaking, and I like to thank you for flying Whoopsie Daisy Airlines!