Bubble Guppies Wiki


Nonny: Australia is the place where kangaroos come from.

Deema: Welcome to Deema's billabong.

Oona: What's a billabong?

Nonny: A billabong is a small Australian lake.

Oona: I'd like to see a platypus!

Deema: Platy-what-now?

Oona: A platypus. It's an Australian animal.

Deema: Wowzers! that's one strange-looking animal!

Mr. Grouper: I just love the land down under!

Gil: Look, a troop of kangaroos.

Guppies: Boing, boing, boing, boing!

Mr. Grouper: Oh, wow! Look at them hop! I just love the land down under!

Oona: (stops hopping) What's the land down under?

Nonny: (clears throat) (the camera pans up to Nonny being a koala) "The land down under" is another name for Australia.

Gil: Look, a koala bear!

Nonny: Actually, koalas aren't bears, they're marsupials.

Oona: Marsu...

Deema: Marsupeoples. Wait, what?

Nonny: Marsupials are animals that carry their babies in their pouches.

Goby: Like kangaroos!

Molly: We're looking for the Wizard of Oz.

Audience: ...-Tralia!
