Use that shield is the dance song of the episode: Sir Nonny The Nice! it is sung by Deema. it is similar to the 2 other dance songs: Turn the Page and Hands on the Wheel.
Characters Appearing
Deema [Speaking]: Come everybody, it’s time to dance!
Get up and dance with us! Come on knights! Get up! Grab your shield and let’s dance!
Deema [Singing]: Come on Knights, let's get through the test.
Protect yourself while on your quest.
Raise up your arm and use that shield,
Defend yourself with a wall of steel!
Deema [Speaking]: Alright, everybody when I say go, We're gonna raise our arms up and use those shields!
Are you ready?
1, 2, 3 Go!
Deema [Singing]: Raise your arm and use that shield!
Goby and Gil: Use that shield, Use that shield,
Deema: Raise your arm and use that shield,
You're brave and strong so use that shield!
Raise your arm and use that shield!
Goby and Gil: Use that shield, Use that shield.
Deema: Raise your arm and use that shield, you're brave and strong so use that shield!
Go forth knights with greatest speed,
Mounted on your trusty steeds,
Bravely do heroic deeds.
Heroic valiant de-ee-eds...!
Raise your arm and use that shield,
Goby and Gil: Use that shield, Use that shield,
Deema: Raise your arm and use that shield, You're brave and strong so use that shield!
Goby and Gil: Use that shield, Use that shield, Use that shield, Use that shield.
Deema: You're brave and strong so use that shield!
Goby and Gil: Use that shield, Use that shield, Use that shield, Use that shield.
Deema: You're brave and strong so use that shield!
Bubble Guppies UK Use that Shield (Louder) British Version |
Bubble Guppies Use um escudo em Português Portuguese Brazilian Version |