What Else Have You Got In Your Backpack? is the dance song from the episode: The Legend Of Pinkfoot. It is sung by Gil.
Characters Appearing
Gil: Out in the woods, on a camping trip!
Grab your water bottle and take yourself a sip
Everyone take a sip!
Oona and Nonny: Drink!
Gil: Everyone take a sip!
Oona and Nonny: Drink!
Gil: Everyone take a sip!
Oona and Nonny: Drink!
Gil: What else have you got in your backpack?
Out in the woods and it gets dark at night, you got the power so shine your flashlight!
Everyone shine your light!
Oona and Nonny: Shine it!
Gil: Everyone shine your light!
Oona and Nonny: Shine it!

Everyone take a sip.
Oona and Nonny: Shine it!
Gil: What else have you got in your backpack?
Out in the woods, there isn't a bed, roll out your sleeping bag so you can rest your head!
Everyone roll out your bed!
Oona and Nonny: Roll it!
Gil: Everyone roll out your bed!
Oona and Nonny: Roll it!
Gil: Everyone roll out your bed!
Oona and Nonny: Roll it!
Gil: So that's what you got in you Backpack!